Quality, that shapes!
Quality and sustainability
Our company has been based in Solingen for over 80 years. The city and its people have made us what we are. Out of this solidarity, it is important to us to give something back to our home town and our fellow human beings. That is why we have been supporting two projects that are particularly close to our hearts for years.
Die Solinger Kinderstuben
Our second project is the Solinger Kinderstuben. As part of the Zöppkesmahlzeit (Zöppken = knife in Solinger Platt, a fundraising meal for Solingen entrepreneurs) of the Stadt-Sparkasse-Solingen, we donate an amount to the Kinderstuben every year. These donations are used to support disadvantaged children or facilities for children in Solingen. Because everyone knows: children are our future and should be given the best possible conditions for their development.
Die forge Company Hendrichs
The third project we support as a sponsoring member is the industrial museum “Gesenkschmiede Hendrichs” in our immediate neighbourhood. This museum, which is run by the Rhineland Regional Association, shows visitors how in the 19th and partly still in the 20th century Solingen was considered the “workshop of the world”.
School classes in particular take up the offer to experience live how the large drop hammer forges the scissors blank. With a loud roar, the glowing piece of steel is beaten into shape. Where can you still admire this today?
Other long-forgotten machines and devices, without which production would not have been possible in the past, are also on display. For example, the old boiler and the 250-horsepower engine that powered all the machines via belts. And the great thing is that this machine also runs and the children can hear the hissing and humming, feel the vibrations and the heat.
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