MARKING-SYSTEMS 6 PAUL-ROELTGEN-STRASSE 10 · D-42699 SOLINGEN · TELEPHONE: +49 212 / 33 99-0 · FAX: +49 212 / 33 99 11 · WWW.ROELTGEN.DE · INFO@ROELTGEN.DE Group 1940 5000 The MARKMATE dot marking machine is available in various different versions: Controller with display: lStandard version – (as described on the first page, electro-mechanical) lPHA version – extra high strike distance (up to 12 mm from workpiece without affecting marking depth) lPHF version – particularly high marking speed (same as Standard version, but with pneumatic rather than electro mechanic drive) Computer (not included) with Windows software: lUSB basic version – (the key functions are activated in the software) lUSB advanced version – (all functions are activated in the software e.g. Windows fonts and database interface) lUSB PHA version – extra high strike distance (up to 12 mm from workpiece without affecting marking depth) lUSB PHF version – particularly high marking speed (same as Standard version, but with pneumatic rather than electro mechanic drive) Group 1940 5000 MARKMASTER Windows software The universal MARKMASTER Windows software for our dot marking machines and laser marking devices combines a personal computer processing power with our high quality marking devices. Texts, logos or codes can be easily dragged and dropped in the right position using the mouse. The complete layout can then be saved on the hard drive. The various modes in the software mean that it can be used to control multiple devices. Some key features of the MARKMASTER software: ltrue type fonts lWYSIWYG preview ldrag and drop relocation of elements lreal time, real date, shift coding ldata matrix code, bar code llogos (.HPGL / .DFX / .BMP / .JPG) lmultilingual software MARKTRONIC MARKMATE MARKMASTER Windows software Subject to change. 05-14 Markmate USB PHF circumferential fixture included engl. Texte fehlen