
18 PAUL-RÖLTGEN-STRASSE 10 · 42699 SOLINGEN · TELEFON: 02 12 / 33 99-0 · FAX: 02 12 / 33 99 11 · WWW.ROELTGEN.DE · INFO@ROELTGEN.DE MARKING-SYSTEMS Subject to changes. 03 -15 TYPE HOLDERS FOR HOT STAMPING 1180 product line Type holders for hot stamping These brass type holders are installed in a range of machines that use heat to apply lettering to a foil, plastic part or similar. The holder heats up quickly because it is made of brass. The number of characters and rows are manufactured according to your specification. We also supply steel and brass types with any engraving and font size. The types need not be of brass, as the extra time required to heat a steel type is negligible. In their favour they last much longer than brass types. The engraving can be sharp or with plane regions, dependent on the intended use.